Jen & Co. is a wholesale handbag company based in Atlanta, Georgia. We import and distribute a variety of handbags, purses, clutches, wallets, women's apparel, and accessories. Our handbags are made of the best quality vegan leather and are PETA-approved!

As a premier handbag wholesaler, not only do we offer the lowest price for top quality products, we are also very dedicated to providing top customer service. We strive to understand our customers' needs, offer the best shopping experience, and help our customers achieve their goals. 

We also offer private label service to chain stores, boutiques, online stores, and monogram stores. Please email us for more information.

Our minimum order amounts are $300 for new orders and $100 for reorders.


Business Hours 
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Please check our Upcoming Shows & Events to see our show schedule and book appointments! You must already be an approved customer to book an appointment. 
Showroom Location
AmericasMart Building 2 Floor 13, #1308A
You must bring required documents in order to enter and shop our showroom. These are also required by AmericasMart to enter their premises.

Please check our Wholesale FAQs for what is needed to become a wholesale customer.